Helo, shw mae! Welcome to my first real attempt at creating a website.
This project started off as the final assignment in the 1st year 'IT for Writers' module, on my BA degree at the University of Glamorgan. It's my very own 'University Challenge', minus Jeremy Paxman and assorted boffins.
Alas, there is nothing earth shattering or mind blowing here, I'm afraid to say. The design may appear a bit basic at times but that's because the remit of the original assessment was to design the site using HTML code only. As I could just about count to 50 at the time, let alone design a website, it has all been a challenge. No templates or web design software were allowed for the original assessment hence the lack of cutting edge web design. Needless to say, it is all a steep learning curve and I'm just going with the flow and seeing how it develops. Post assessment, I'm hoping the design will eventually improve over time, with the use of web templates etc.
The site is probably best viewed via Internet Explorer, although due to recent developments in web design it might well now display better in other web browsers! That's due to technical issues that are totally beyond my knowledge of web design and which date back to the original format. As for the issue of smartphones, that will be very much hit and miss, as I haven't got a clue on the issues surrounding them. If you are using Firefox or Chrome and there are issues, try the excellent extension below. This renders problematic pages in an Internet Explorer tab. If there are display problems with the latest versions of Internet Explorer, try using the Compatibility View settings feature that is under Tools. That may display the page as it was originally intended.
IE Tab is also available for CHROME
The 'Politics and Media Uni Assessment 2010' section was added on Sat 13th February 2010. Since that was marked and graded, I have continued to update it and upload additional stuff from time to time. For instance, in April, 2011, I found a great film on the Welsh involvement with the Spanish Civil War featuring interviews with Will Lloyd, Ed Greening and Morien Morgan which has proved to be a real jewel. I never had any audio/video footage of the men before so this is a great resource and a nice memory. Unpublished memoirs of Will's were also uploaded on Saturday, June 9th 2012. These are reproduced with the kind permission of his daughter, Gill. In addition, my 3rd year indie study into the Spanish Civil War and its relationship to interwar politics in South Wales, was added to the Main Assessment section on Tuesday, 24 January, 2012. Broken links were fixed and updated for this assessment on Sunday, 23 November 2014. The Sociology Assessment section (Belgium - Conflict Resolution) for my 3rd year of Uni went live on Saturday, 13 March 2011. That was completed on Friday, 1st April 2011.
By the time I master all this malarkey, I'll be stuck in a nursing home eating bananas or rather, I'll probably be bananas. After all, it took me 35 years to suss out the calculator and digital watch. Anyhow, as the old classic Smiths track goes - 'These Things Take Time'. Whilst I remember, cheers to all those who kept a check on the site during the early days and reported back to me on display issues etc. It was/is appreciated. Gracias.
(Sunday, 23 November 2014)
Thanks for visiting! Diolch am alw heibio!